A Fulfilled Life Coaching

Ready for the bigger, badder, more aligned you?

Letā€™s go!

Letā€™s help you unlock the version of you who makes a bigger impact by just being YOU

Bring on the ease AND adventure, this is your time to shine

Watch this 75 second video or scroll on to get a taste

You've done what you were supposed to do

You thought it would clear up the nagging doubt that tells you that you are doing things wrong 

But turns out if you dress up a penguin in a dog costume, it's still a penguin 

Those doubts are still there and bigger because now you've built something that needs your attention 

And I want to be clear there is NOTHING wrong with you 

You did what you were told


You grew the business, got the clients, made the money

Everything that is spewed by the people around you, you did 

You just didn't know that there was a different way to do it that didn't kill your soul 

One where you have a business you love and helps you live the life you want 

That lets you work on the projects that light you up

Yeah, it's time you start on that book (or podcast, or new program) 

A life where you can put work down and just be present to your life 

One where it takes you across the world on epic adventures 

This is available to you 

And I would love to help show you the way 

Mikkel Leslie

Champion, Author and Coach of living YOUR own life and business

Hi, I'm Mikkel

Engineer turned coach extraordinaire

I bought into the idea that I had to do the ā€œright thingā€ for way too long 

I got the degree, I made the money

Each item I crossed off my list my doubt, and stress just increased 

I knew there was more to life

but didn't know what it was

Turns out it was doing what I wanted (when I wanted) and doing it in ways that worked for me 

It was prioritizing rest, joy, and adventure 

It was turning my life from a to do list into a life that is lived 

It took me 3 things

I've taught these same 3 things to 100ā€™s of people one on one 

And business owners have...

  • Ditched clients that were draining them and welcomed higher paying ones in

  • Gone after the projects that they have always dreamed of 

  • Been able to relax and let work be what it is not stressing about a thing

Here's those 3 little beauties

Human design

Know your self

How is it that YOU work?

We will dive in and show you so that you can start living your life in more alignment so things just become easy.


Shift and grow

Oh do I love mindset work!

When we believe we can move mountains.

We will help you find the strategies that work for you and break down the things that are holding you back so you can make things happen.


Business breakdown

You've got to take action and we will use your human design to figure out what's going to work best for you.

We will optimize your marketing, backend and offers for YOU.

Look travel transformation is different

We are not just doing this work online on a zoom call

We are traveling to see each other in REAL life 3 times

You'll get me helping you dive into your new life with toes in the sand and sun on your face in Southern California (surfing? oh sure thing!

You'll see your life and business differently when you see dolphins hopping out of the ocean for the first time

I'll fly out to you (yes no matter where you are at) and we'll help you see your home town in a new, vivacious light

You'll will become your new self in your current life

And that 3rd trip?

We are going big!

Where is that place that you've always wanted to go but haven't?

Alaska? Bali? Hawaii? Sedona? Antartica?

Oh yeah we are going there!

We are not letting you settle anymore for having the place you want to go on a bucket list

This is your life and you are living it

You taking this trip is you saying "no more" for settling for your life, you are creating your life and living it full throttle

Ready to dive in together?

To go from stressed out, unsure, doubting yourself, and feeling like you've just got to feed the machine

To relaxing at the beach with a kombucha watching the waves come in as you do a little bit of work on your phone because you are inspired AF

Ready for that? Good because I'm ready for this version of you

The next step is to schedule a discovery call

Because Travel Transformation is going to be a deep 3 months together 

We will talk about what you want to do, where you've been holding yourself back and where you want to travel 

This is a no pressure call to see if the program, you, me and the work is right for both of us

That would be lame to travel with a bore!

If you are ready to learn more about transforming into the next version of you together grab a time and let's start this party

Here's the hard deets

3 months of coaching together

3 in person adventures

I'll come to you, you come to me at the beach, and we go somewhere you've always wanted to go


9 online coachines sessions

Online class

Access to all my online classes as will help your journey

Human design, mindset, money, all of it will be available to you!


$3k - 10k+

It all depends on where you live and where our adventure takes us

We will refine during your discovery call

Once you sign up here's what we will do first

Together we will help you answer a few questions to create a plan that lights you up 

What things have just been strumming along that are no longer working?

What do you have a hard time motivating yourself to do? 

What do you want to do more of

We will use your human design to refine and see what things you will do and what you will outsource 

A plan helps scared little brains take action

It helps in knowing what to expect, it takes the unknown and turns it into knowns where you can relax and feel safe to expand into your next level 

We will also plan our trips together! What dates are we seeing each other in real life?

But I'm scared

Totally understandable!

This is an invitation to transform your life

Look, change is not easy

It is stepping into the unknown

This is why that first step we do together is to make a plan

This will help your nerves settle so you can lean into your new life and enjoy the ride

And here's the 1, 2, 3 to help settle your nerves even more

Step 1: Sign up for a discovery call

Step 2: Figure out if this is right for you

If yes,

Step 3: We will get you settled into Travel Transformation and schedule our first call to figure out our next 3 months together

Join me in Travel Transformation

Sign up and let's change your life and business

Let's turn your business into something sustainable for YOU

Here's what clients have said about coaching with me:

"Mikkel helped me dig into contemplating what things in life truly bring me joy šŸ™Œ

Mikkel helped me unpack what seems to be a very basic idea, yet was something Iā€™d struggled with my entire 37 years of life: if something makes me happy and I want to do it, THAT is a good enough reason."

Amanda H.

"Working with Mikkel was empowering because it helped me understand how to make parts of who I am already shine their brightest, and let go of other things that were causing me stress."

"Coaching with Mikkel has helped me shape my focus on what I can actually change and what the truth actually is. I see massive results in my life every time I meet with Mikkel and she coaches me. She is great!"

Eric B.

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